Sunningwell, Wootton and Cumnor Community Governance Review: we'd like your feedback


1. Are you responding as:

Answer Choices

Response Percent

Response Total


a resident within the parish





someone who works within the parish




a business / organisation operating within the parish





a visitor or interested party





a councillor (parish, district, county)





an officer (parish, district, county)





Other (please specify):








Other (please specify): (10)


Boars Hill resident


i.e. a resident of Boars Hill


I am a Boars Hill resident


Boars hill resident


Boars hill resident




There appears to be no option to oppose both proposals which I do


Previous owner and renter of Boars Hill properties


Priest-in-Charge St Peters Church, Wootton


Live in neighbouring parish and spend much time in Wootton.



2. If you are responding as a business / organisation, council or body please provide its name:

Answer Choices

Response Percent

Response Total


Open-Ended Question




Wootton and Dry Sandford Community Centre


Cumnor Parish Council


The Greater World


Sunningwell Parish Counci






Oxford Pro Musica Singers




University of Oxford




Wootton Parish Council


As Priest-in-Charge of St Peters Church


Wootton parish council


Sunningwell Parish Council


Wootton Allotments


Wootton Parish Council






3. To help us analyse responses, please provide your full postcode (e.g. OX12 1XX)

Answer Choices

Response Percent

Response Total


Open-Ended Question










4. Which proposal would you like to comment on: Tick all that apply.

Answer Choices

Response Percent

Response Total


Make no change to the boundary between Sunningwell Parish and Wootton and Cumnor parishes





Amend the name of Wootton parish to include the name Boars Hill












Sunningwell, Wootton and Cumnor boundary change


5. How far do you support or oppose the proposal to make no change to the boundary between Sunningwell Parish and Wootton and Cumnor parishes?

Answer Choices

Response Percent

Response Total


Strongly support





Tend to support





Neither support or oppose





Tend to oppose




Strongly oppose





Not sure




I don't have a view










Postcode map of responses


The map was created using a 'point displacement' method to symbolize the postcode respondents, which means that where multiple responses occur for a single postcode, they have been placed in a circle around the central postcode point so as to ensure all points are visible.



6. Are there any other comments you would like to make to support or oppose the proposal to make no change to the boundary between Sunningwell Parish and Wootton and Cumnor parishes?

Answer Choices

Response Percent

Response Total


Open-Ended Question




Leave things as they are. No change needed.


I was surprised to find that my Parish Council had proposed to eject Long Furlong Road where I live from the parish, while conducting a land grab on the, presumably more affluent, Boars Hill. I was even more surprised to first learn of this by reading a supporting document to this consultation and not from the Parish Council itself. It makes something of a mockery of representative democracy if the body elected doesn’t see the necessity of consulting residents affected by a proposal on their opinions. I am glad that no changes to the boundary affecting Long Furlong Rd are proposed in the final plan but I will be making my displeasure to my Parish Councillors.


Decisions by the Parish Councils have been made on the basis of the Parishes that currently stand, including the made Neighbourhood Plan of Wootton and St Helen's Without and the Community Centre refurbishment. Changes to the boundary would result in additional cost not only to the tax payers of Wootton but to all residents of the parishes. Furthermore, the delineation would separate Wootton Village and Boars Hill, which share the same "Boars Hill" postal address and postcode fragmenting a currently united village. The change as proposed by Sunningwell only takes into account a small area of Boars Hill notably along the Ridgeway and not those houses which are on the slopes above Wootton Village. Additionally, it separates long standing partnerships of the Cricket Club and the Church which currently unite the villages. The link between Boars Hill and Sunningwell is at best tenuous.


I strongly support the no change proposal. The parish council serves the communities of Wootton and Boars Hill well and is best placed to continue to do so.

Geographically, the communities of Wootton and Boars Hill are closely linked and should remain so.


As chair of the Wootton and Dry Sandford Community Centre I am strongly against the change of the parish boundary. It will have a detrimental effect on the community centre's management plan as Wootton PC will have far less money available for grants.


There is no discernable reason to change the parish boundaries as they currently make sensible lines between parishes. Cumnor's neighbourhood plan provides and accounts for the properties affected and ensures a proper overview from the local parish. Historically Chilswell has been one of the small hamlets, along with nearby Henwood, that fall within the parish. The original Parish boundary was established to reflect the land ownership of four tithings - with Chiswell being part of one of those. An extract from the Cumnor Neighbourhood Plan shows the importance of the area to the Parish. There are 3 contiguous and overlapping designated Important Views within the Parish that span - and originate at Chilswell. A fourth important view (number 4 Beacon Hill) has the section of the Parish under discussion in its foreground. The Chiswell part of the Parish under discussion is part of a wider specific area of local character – Local Character Assessment 14 (LCA 14) – along with the Hurst SSSI and Beacon Hill. As such it shares geology, landscape, ancient woodlands, form and function with a wider area of the Parish. LCA 14 is crossed by the Oxford Greenbelt Way and by public footpaths known locally as the ‘Chilswell Paths’.

The properties of Boars Hill in Wootton use the Wootton amenity directly and as such should remain in Wootton.

This feels like it would be a total waste of public funds during an economic crisis to consider changing a parish boundary for no real positive outcome.


The residents of Boars Hill already enjoy the benefits of existing facilities, and will no doubt wish to continue to use them, I see no benefit to these proposed changes only a continued cost which the residents of Boars Hill by submitting this proposed change, wish to avoid!


This is not a practical way to start putting additional work load onto these parishes. The existing boundary have worked for a number of years, if Boars Hill residences Require this change then I would suggest they contact the Said parishes directly and not leave it to others to guess at their requirements.


I believe that the current boundary has served well for the last forty plus years and see no need to change. The financial implications for the parish could be very costly. Geographically speaking, I can see Boars Hill from my house and can walk there in under twenty minutes, surely it should remain.


Boars Hill residents will still use the amenities in Wootton and so should have to pay towards them.


I do not believe it is in the interest of the people living in the parish to make any changes to the boundary.


I strongly support the proposal to make no change to the boundary between Sunningwell Parish and Wootton as I was concerned that our Parish Council couldn't manage any more responsibility than they currently have but also would have a negative impact on the diverse communities of Sunningwell, Bayworth and parts of Boars Hill.


It would be to the detriment of the residents of Wootton if the parishes were split and the boundaries changed in terms of funding etc. the boundaries and parishes should remain unchanged


The residents of Boars Hill and the Boars Hill Association have not attended or are represented on the Parish Council (there are two vacanbcies.) I believe they state that their views are not correctly considered by the Parish Council yet have taken no action to make these known to Parish Councillors. Two residents on Boars Hill are Sunningwell Parsh Councillors - why are they not fulfilling that role on the Wootton and Dry Sandford Parish Council? Surely the answer is to take part or attend PC meetings. The Boars Hill residents can and do make full use of the W&DS village hall yet now want to opt out of the continued funding of that facility but no doubt still wish to use the village hall.


Cumnor Parish Council has submitted a response to the consultation and is pleased to note that officers are recommending no changes to the boundary.


Boars Hill has always been part of Wootton and I believe it would be divisive to move the boundary.


The boundaries work well as they are and I don’t see benefits to the broader community to changing it. Those residents would still be making use of facilities and services supported by the parish council so moving the boundary seems impractical and unfair.


It would seem that the wealthy residents of boars hill want to have their cake and eat it. They want to spend the money given just on themselves without having to contribute to the services that they all use as these, under the current proposal would remain the responsibility of Wootton parish to pay for. If this was allowed to happen it would be a travesty of the richest residents taking as much as they can for themselves and the poorer residents having to pay for all the services that richest will still want to use, such as the shops, the Schools, the sports grounds, the playgrounds, the allotments, the community centre and the churches. This can not be allowed to happen.


This questionnaire appears to be worded in a confusing manner.. is this deliberate or incompetence?


This does seem like a sledgehammer to crack a nut approach and a waste of councillors' time.An apparent petty squabble that has escalated into a referendumm on a boundary change which would be clearly unfair for Wootton residents and create innumerable predictable and unforeseen administrative problems for no obvious benefit.
We need to work together not become more tribal!


This is a very cynical move by Sunningwell Parish Council to attempt to annex only the high value properties within a neighbouring parish to boost council tax revenue but provide no additional services. Almost the entirety of the area proposed to be annexed contains private roads and drives, meaning the additional maintenance burden on the parish council would be negligible, whereas the additional council tax revenue would be substantial. The Sunningwell parish council already has significant question marks over its constitutional conduct and transparency of grant allocations from parish funds. There are many disgruntled residents within Sunningwell parish, so perhaps the council there will be better served by representing the constituents they already have and getting their house in order, instead of trying to grow the parish

Many residents of Boars Hill make regular use of the facilities in Wootton parish, including the Community Centre, Church, School, recreation areas and nature reserves. There are many rights of way linking Wootton to Boars Hill, such that passing between these two areas feels natural and unperturbed. Conversely, the only way to reach Sunningwell parish involves crossing the busy Fox Lane road, and the natural landscape clearly divides the two parishes currently. The proposed new boundary bears no relation to the landscape and may as well have been drawn on a property website with the search criteria set to '£1 million +'.


Make no changes or we will have to move house from here


It was very difficult to understand the full picture behind the proposed changes. I mean concrete reasons. I contacted BHA for clarification on Boars Hill concrete issues they were concerned about, but got no sensible answer which is why I’m voting for no change to proposal.



Boars Hill residents are making full use of the facilities within Wootton Village.

Many of these facilities are not replicated in Sunningwell.....hence Boars Hill residents will continue to avail themselves of the amenities/facilities within Wootton but take no responsibility for any of the costs of running such facilities. It seems patently unfair.


It has been a long-term desire held by many Boars Hill residents that we should be united under one parish. It is absurd to be part of Wootton parish as several parts of Boars Hill are actually in both Wootton and Sunningwell parishes - in Lincombe Lane, for example, although all of the lane is much closer to Sunningwell.
Sunningwell Parish Council actively encourages the participation of their Boars Hill residents who play a full role in Sunningwell matters.
All of Boars Hill has more in common with and a stronger identity with Sunningwell than with Wootton as Boars Hill and Sunningwell have a history of being primarily “agricultural and residential” in contrast to simply “residential” as official post code descriptions of Wootton state.
A clear majority (two thirds) of those Boars Hill residents who would be affected want to be in Sunningwell parish. This is a clear democratic majority and their wishes should be respected.
Changing the name from “Wootton” to “Wootton and Boars Hill” would be a nonsense as half of Boars Hill is already in Sunningwell Parish, as also noted above. So this must not be allowed to happen. Boars Hill makes up only a very small percentage of Wootton. Wootton parish has three times the population of Sunningwell and, even after the requested changes, would remain substantially larger even excluding their expected new housing developments.






This is a badly worded proposal. I strongly oppose the proposal.


I live in Boars Hill and it has much more to do with Sunningwell than Wootton. The council of Wootton does nothing to support Boars Hill.
Sunningwell has agricultural roots as does Boars Hill unlike Wootton which is residential only.


I strongly oppose the above proposal because Boars Hill derives no benefit from being in the Wootton and Cumnor parish. Historically any requests from Boars Hill residents have been totally ignored by the Wootton and Cumnor parish council and Boars Hill is purely viewed as an important “cash cow” for this council.


As a resident on Boars Hill for over 80 years I know the vast majority feel drawn to the parish of Sunningwell. We do not want to in Wooton Boars Hill and are already part of the Sunningwell community with the chruch and parish council which does such good work for our area. It would be much better to unite the community on Boars Hill with Sunningwell and support the local church and council.


I fully support the comments made by Wootton PC in opposing this change of boundary.


1 The natural community boundary of Boars Hill is easily definable and should clearly all be within the Parish of Sunningwell
2. The views of those of the residents of Boars Hill, whose houses are currently within Wootton Parish, have been extensively canvassed, with the rest that there was/is a two thirds majority in favour of changing the boundaries to incorporate the Wotton part within Sunningwell.
3. It is not acceptable for Wootton residents outside Boars Hill or the administrators working for the Vale to ignore and proceed against the wishes of this clear majority.


As a resident currently under Wootton PC I have been very concerned and disappointed about antagonistic perceptions of parish councillors to matters important to Bars Hill residents. I prefer to be resident under Sunningwell PC on the basis that the PC is more aligned to a countryside persona, similar to Boars Hill. Sunningwell Parish is much small than Wootton parish and welcomes and takes notice of Boars Hill resident concerns.


These proposals ignore the majority support for the original petition.


It has been a long-term desire held by many Boars Hill residents that we should be united under one parish.

Boars Hill concerns have long been ignored by Wootton Parish Council and over the last decade or more at least three Boars Hill residents who have joined the Wootton Parish Council as members have resigned within months (and in one case weeks) because of how they were treated by other council members. In contrast, Sunningwell Parish Council actively encourages the participation of their Boars Hill residents who play a full role Sunningwell matters.

All of Boars Hill has more in common and a stronger identity with Sunningwell than with Wootton as Boars Hill and Sunningwell have a history of being primarily “agricultural and residential” rather than simply “residential” as official post code descriptions of Wootton state.

A large majority (two thirds) of those Boars Hill residents who would be affected want to be in Sunningwell parish. This is a clear democratic majority and their wishes should be respected.


As a resident of Boars Hill I would like the area to be unified under the parish of Sunningwell.
Your survey does not offer this.


One of the main complaints Boars Hill residents have about being part of Wootton Parish is that our opinions on many matters were completely ignored and now you have done it again by not including in the choices available exactly what we are asking for, to become part of Sunningwell Parish.


I signed a petition as to this which appears to have been completely ignored. See below.


I do not support either of the two proposals. We, as residents in Boars hill, have express our strong support for a change of the boundaries to include the WHOLE OF BOARS HILL in the parish of Sunningwall. You are procrastinating and refusing to accept our democratic right to change. Your proposal to change the name of the parish is not only ridiculous but naive in the extreme.


Boats hill is currently split between two parishes which is not ideal. Boars hill fits better in Sunningwell, and the majority of affected boars hill residents have already indicated that they would like to join Sunningwell.


A large majority (two thirds) of those Boars Hill residents who would be
affected want to be in Sunningwell parish. This is a clear democratic
majority and their wishes should be respected.


The clear desire of Boars Hill residents is to combine their area with Sunningwell, with whom we have far more issues in common than with Cumnor of Wootton. We have carried out extensive consultation and a vote to this effect. We are puzzled, if not vexed, as to why this option is not included in the current proposals. The process now suggested appears wasteful and anti-democratic by ignoring clearly stated wishes of residents.


Strongly oppose this proposal as want to be part of sunningwell.


Very confused by this as boars hill residents have already voted to become part of sunningwell parish council. Wootton parish does not seem to take any of the boars hill residents views into account. Boars hill already has a strong relationship with Sunningwell.


As a Boars Hill resident of many years I have seen a great change in the demographic of Wootton which has moved it further away from the demographic of Boars Hill. In short they share no common factors. Sunningwell in both structure and atmosphere is in tune with and complementary to that of Boars Hill . Wootton shares none of these factors. It would be a travesty and inaccurate to refer to the area as Wootton and Boars Hill since a large part of Boars Hill is already in the Sunningwell parish . Most Importantly the survey conducted on Boars Hill gave a clear majority for linking it with Sunningwell and not Wootton and this democratic vote seems to have been ignored.


Boars Hill has more in common in character with Sunningwell rather than Wootton. As a resident of Boars Hill I would strongly support changing the boundaries to incorporate the whole of Boars Hill into Sunningwell parish.


Refer to the petition of residents given to you which has already exposed this view


The Vale of White Horse DC should become part of a unitary authority within a new Oxfordshire Council.


The survey of those in Boar’s Hill was in favour of moving the boundary so that is the democratic result


We have already voted to change so you have no right to try to overturn the decision


Appears to be trying to thwart the clearly expressed wishes of the residents living in western Boars Hill, where as two thirds of the total asked to join Sunningwell Parish. It is important to note that the parish boundary legislation actually says that "The views of local communities and inhabitants are of central importance."


I am astonished that The Vale of the White Horse can completely disregard the wishes of the majority of people on Boars Hill who would like to be united as one parish, that is, Sunningwell. This is not even mentioned as an alternative. The Vale should be mindful of the wishes of its residents. To be frank, the fact that this wish is not even included, is suspicious to say the least. It hints at worst of collusion and self interest amongst some powerful parishes, at best, a don’t give a damn attitude towards most people who live on Boars Hill.


The views from the Boars Hill Association are very relevent. I would suggest you listen to what they say


Boars Hill should be in the parish of Sunningwell, not Wootto, as requested by the majority of Boars Hill Residents.


It seems to me that the majority view after the initial consultation is not served by either of proposed alternatives!




Boars Hill residents request that the whole of Boars Hill should be in Sunningwell Parish. We want to be united and have a voice in local matters.


I am am a resident in Lincombe Lane and have lived on Boars Hill for 44 years. At present the boundary runs down Lincombe Lane so that the majority of the Lane are in Sunningwell Parish and the remaining 10 houses, one of which is mine, are in Wootton Parish.
This is a complete anomaly. I feel much more affinity with Sunningwell, geographically closer and my husband is buried in Sunningwell churlchyard. I really would welcome this opportunity to join the Sunningwell Parish, where I feel Boars Hill properly belongs.


Boars hill should be in one parish, and it fits better with Sunningwell. Wootton has no interest in us.


Why is anyone voting on this who does not live on boars hill.

This should be a democratic vote only for boars hill residents.


Given Cumnor Parish has a strong and robust Neighbourhood Plan in place with significant community support,the boundary for Cumnor should stay the same with no changes.


Boars Hill exists and has existed for many years as a community and its current artificial division into two parts given to Sunningwell and to Wootton parishes makes no sense. The community has an active Residents' Association and a strong identity and both would be served by joining the two parts into the same parish. I believe that this parish should be Sunningwell.

Moreover, I understand that during a recent consultation process with the residents of Boars Hill, a considerable majority voted to unite our community under one parish, namely Sunningwell. A very small number of residents voted to keep the status quo.

We now have a golden opportunity to unite the area of Boars Hill under one parish and to do nothing makes no sense.


Only a small part of the area which it was proposed should be moved have any connection with Sunningwell. Insofar as Boars Hill residents on this side of Boars Hill have any contact with other immediately local areas it is with the shops, dentist and the Community Centre in Wootton and the Church and primary school in Old Wootton Village. The only time most Boars Hill residents go to Sunningwell is to visit The Flowing Well for a drink or meal or in the past the Boars Hill Garden Club used the Sunningwell School of Art for its meetings but currently they meet on line. Those Boars Hill post code residents who are currently included in Cumnor Parish Council have even less contact with Sunningwell.


I am a resident of Boars Hill. I am aware that there was a recent Parish Boundary petition, which residents living in the Wootton and Cumnor parts of Boars Hill were invited to sign six months ago. It requested that the parish boundaries on Boars Hill be amended to include all of Boars Hill into a single parish, specifically into ***Sunningwell Parish***. Two thirds of residents living in the Wootton and Cumnor parts of Boars Hill signed the petition requesting the change. This is the change I would support, not least since Boars Hill is closer to and has a more obvious kinship with the rural parish of Sunningwell. I am also concerned that the voice of Boars Hill residents would be lost if we were to be combined into a parish with Wootton.

I understand that there has not been a positive relationship between Boars Hill members of the Wootton parish council; this contrasts with the excellent relationship between Boars Hill residents and Sunningwell parish council.

Changing the Wootton parish name from “Wootton” to “Wootton and Boars Hill” is a nonsense as half of Boars Hill is already in Sunningwell.


I am a Boars Hill resident and currently reside in Sunningwell Parish. I do not wish to be moved into Woottoon or Cumnor parishes. Sunningwell parish has a strong connection with Boars Hill residents and is supportive of us. It is nearest to us; it has much more in common with Boars Hill as it is essentially a rural/agricultural community. The same cannot be said of Wootton or Cumnor; in addition, the larger numbers of people in these areas would reduce the voice of Boars Hill residents in matters which affect specifically us and Sunningwell parish. I am opposed to this illogical and undesirable redrawing of Parish boundaries.

I would also point out that there has been a previous petition in which the majority of Boars Hill residents expressed a desire to be united in a singe parish - with SUNNINGWELL, and not with Wootton.


Many residents of Boars Hill proper (ie those who actually live on the Hill and not those who just have Boars Hill in their postal address), have long had the desire to be part of a single parish. As a community with a strong community spirit fostered by the Boars Hill Association we feel we have more in common and a closer identity with Sunningwell, rather than Wootton, which like Boars Hill, is a semirural community.
In addition, we have been appalled at the way Wootton PC has responded to our concerns over the last couple of decades, particularly recently with reference to the planning application for Foxcombe Hall, and there is a feeling of resentment and lack of trust towards WPC. Whilst WPC claims to welcome residents of Boars Hill on to the council, there has been a history of rudeness and disrespect towards Boars Hill council members resulting in their resignations within months. Quite frankly, we are fed up with it. Although there may be a new chairman of WPC, these issues have been going on for decades and many of the most disrespectful are still on the council. Unfortunately over time, the culture of WPC has been one of negativity towards Boars Hill residents.
Geographically it makes more sense for all Boars Hill residences (actually on the Hill) to be in one parish and not split over three ie Sunningwell, Wootton and Cumnor.


There is a moral duty to keep them as they are. I believe that, in the proposed plan as well as on the maps, there has been a deliberate attempt to confusticate and distract. Ideologies such as environment, ethic miniaturise and housing have been used as a red herring to disguise the fact that the Boars hill community are keen to only financially contribute to themselves and the similarly affluent village of Sunningwell, etc….
Further, the maps are not as clear as they might be. They are framed differently so they cannot be compared and in such a way as to ‘hide’ the joining together with Sunningwell.
I would expect more than what I consider an underhanded offering of information.


66% of the population who will be affected ie all those living on Boars Hill itself in the Wootton and Cumnor parishes want to be part of Sunningwell Parish. That is a very clear majority. Also we absolutely do not want Wootton parish to be called Wootton and Boars Hill parish. Half of Boars Hill houses are in Sunningwell so this change would be disastrous and confusing and add complications. It is clear that the council does not understand the issues and should inform themselves of the real facts before making any such untenable decisions.


I strongly support the proposal to make no change to the boundary. Firstly Boars Hill extends into the majority of Wootton Parish and to suggest that the boundary change will encompass 'all of Boars Hill' is completely wrong. Water leaving the Hill doesn't stop at the boundary! There are houses on the same contour as Old Boars Hill and to suggest they are not on the Hill is nonsense. My address is Wootton Village, Boars Hill and this extends throughout of Wootton Parish! It can be argued that Boars Hill extends to Dry Sandford. The proposal to change the boundary appears to be driven entirely by the affluent members of the Boars Hill Residents Association (BHRA) who also dominate Sunningwell Parish Council. The BHRA does not represent all of the residents of Boars Hill and I can confirm I was not consulted on this proposed change. The BHRA are fundamentally a social club for affluent members with big houses. I am concerned that the proposal to change the boundary has been driven by BHRA whose members, who are predominately white, rich and elderly object to new residents at the old Open University site and social & affordable housing in Wootton. I am concerned that the proposed boundary change has underlying social segregation reasons driven by class and affluence that can't be written down. The proposed boundary change would remove land owed by the Oxford Preservation Trust from Wootton Parish. This includes Elizabeth Daryush garden & house that was donated to the Trust. Elizabeth Daryush is a famous poet and is buried in Wootton St Peters Church in Wootton Parish.


Badly worded statement.

I propose that boars hill should form part of Sunningwell parish NOT Wootton.


Boars Hill residents use Wootton facilities, not Sunningwell's. Therefore it is only fair that Wootton should receive the correct remuneration.


I am a resident of Boars Hill and strongly oppose the the proposal to make no change to the boundary. We have the opportunity to have the whole of Boars Hill in one parish instead of being split which would make us a more cohesive community.


Many parts of Boars Hill are close to Sunningwell and feel part of Sunningwell but are stuck in Wootton parish which is openly hostile to Boars Hill residents.


It would make entire sense to have the whole of Boars Hill within one parish. That parish should clearly be Sunningwell, which will still leave Wootton as a larger parish. The balancing of numbers is logical.
It has never made sense for an obviously homogeneous area to be divided into two/three


For some odd reason, your questions have very conveniently sidestepped the boundary change proposal signed by me some six months or more ago proposing Sunningwell and "Boars Hill" boundary changes


Please make no changes to the boundaries




I believe strongly that all of Boars Hill should be incorporated into Sunningwell Parish and that the current bifurcation of Boars Hill is undesirable and does not reflect neither the wishes of residents of Boars Hill or treat the area as the natural single entity it is


I am a resident of Boars Hill. It was demonstrated by the results of the parish boundary petition which residents living in the Wootton and Cumnor parts of Boars Hill were invited to sign six months ago that a large majority (two thirds) of those Boars Hill residents who would be affected want to be in Sunningwell parish. This is a clear democratic majority and their wishes should be respected.


The majority of the relevant Boars Hill residents wish to be part of Sunningwell Parish. please do not ignore democracy. Neither proposal has merit or is the wish of the Boars Hill residents including my family.


Boars hill is split between two parishes, makes more sense to be united in one parish and Sunningwell is more aligned with Boars Hill residents requirements.


I believe that all of Boars Hill should be part of Sunningwell Parish, as does the vast majority of Boars Hill residents. Boars Hill has a natural fit with Sunningwell given its rural nature. There should be no split between different parishes for Boars Hill.


If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.


Why would we wish to change the parish boundaries????


I have lived on Boars Hill for 44 years and am resident in Lincombe Lane. At present the boundary runs down Lincombe Lane, cutting off 12 properties (including mine) from the rest of our neighbours in the Lane - this is a complete anomaly. I feel strong affinity with Sunningwell, my husband is buried in Sunningwell churchyard, and I would very much like to join the rest of my friends and neighbours in Sunningwell Parish. (See Natural Communities, point 77 above.)


Boars Hill and Sunningwell PCs should be united on the grounds of common interest leading to effective democracy.


Boars Hill has always had a link with Sunningwell They share the same topography. They have a similar lay out of a mainly ribbon development and both give the onlooker and occupants a feel of being in a village. Wootton evokes none of these feelings. It’s large in comparison, has a parade of shops and an extensive new population in new estates.


It is not clear that there is any advantage in making any changes. In the absence of that it makes sense to leave the boundary as it is for now.


Boars Hill residence like to be above the rest


Two thirds of residents living in the Wootton part of Boars Hill signed the petition requesting the change of parish boundary, specifically to include all of Boars Hill into Sunningwell Parish.
STRONGLY OPPOSE your proposal to make No change to the boundary.


To speak in a positive sense, I strongly support the proposal to change the boundary of the parishes. The people of Boars Hill want it, as evidenced by the recent petition. The people of Boars Hill are one community with a distinct character and sphere of interest; as is also the separate case in Wootton and Dry Sandford. It is far more appropriate that all of Boars Hill is included in Sunningwell Parish because both are rural villages, whereas Wootton is essentially urban at its heart.

Further evidence of the association with Sunningwell is the fact that Sunningwell fully supported the important local matter of the PHBS expansion and change of use in the Greenbelt, to the extent of a £5K contribution to consultant's fees. Conversely, Wootton was initially not helpful in representing residents opinions and only at the last opportunity became slightly more helpful. Wootton charges the Ukraine group for using their Hall; Sunningwell offered free use. I do not complain about this; simply present the facts as evidence of different interests of Wootton compared to Boars Hill's community. Residents of Boars Hill would rather be part of the supportive Sunningwell Parish, as residents and representing their views.

(BTW: The 'Request for Feedback' is badly framed as a double negative. This will be confusing for some. The question should have read "Do you support a change of boundary as proposed". Less words and no confusion.)


I think Boars Hill should be part of Sunningwell; both are rural villages.


Many people on Boars Hill are affiliated with Sunningwell, going to the Church in Sunningwell and attending social events in Sunningwell. We don't have that connection with Wootton. We can walk to Sunningwell safely. We cannot walk to Wootton safely due to lack if road paths. We have friends in Sunningwell. We know no-one in Wootton.


Boars Hill residents overwhelmingly wish to be part of Sunningwell parish, and have no connection with wootton parish.


I attend St Peters Church and have a Boars Hill postcode. The church has historically (for centuries) been the church serving a good part of Boars Hill and the ecclesiastical parish boundaries reflect this. It would be wrong to separate Boars Hill from the historic links with Wootton Village.


I strongly support the proposal not to make the change to the boundary. Both the WPC and the surrounding parishes (with the exception of Sunningwell obviously) are unanimous in the support for NOT making any changes. Aside from the huge administrative work to change everything WPC does - remember we are all volunteers - there are financial, social, and historical reasons to keep the boundaries as is.

In addition it is crucial to note that the joint Neighbourhood Plan that links our two Parishes, another reason for leaving the Parish Boundary as it is. After all the hard work (and canvassing the views of the residents of both Parishes) that went into producing that plan I do not think any boundary changes would be beneficial or should be allowed.

Finally it’s important to note that fairness plays an important role in not making any boundary change. The residents of Boars Hill have always made full use of the Wootton and Dry Sandford Community Centre and belong to many of the societies that enjoy its facilities.

As Sunningwell Parish has no equivalent Community Centre, the Boars Hill residents will continue to do use WADSCC, just as they will continue to use the other amenities in the village, such as the cricket club and field (already called The Wootton and Boars Hill Cricket Club), primary school, St Peter’s church and the community park. All these community facilities are supported financially by Wootton Parish Council either directly or indirectly (through a grant to the Wootton Primary School PTA to provide laptops for home learning during lockdown, for instance).

It seems very unjust that the residents of a new, smaller Wootton Parish should pay a higher proportion per head towards repaying the Community Centre loan and maintaining other existing amenities in the village, while residents of Boars Hill, who use these facilities, contribute nothing at all. It is all the more unfair that as the overall precept will be smaller, the amount available to spend on these local amenities will be reduced.


We have had little support from Wootton. When entering Wootton from whichever direction, it has white gates, a village name, a reminder to drive carefully and a bold 30mph sign. Similarly, so do Dry Sandford, Cotthill, Whitecross and even little Gozzards Ford. However, the busiest road of all i.e. Fox Lane, has just a 30mph sign nestled in the hedgerow and just a few metres from the first resident driveway. Why have we not been provided with similar road furniture? (gates, village name etc?!! ). Half of Boars Hill is already within Sunningwell parish and it makes perfect sense to also incorporate the small area currently under discussion into Sunningwell.


I have lived on Boars Hill for nearly 20 years and there is no doubt that the community has a strong feeling of unity. Our newsletter said that over two thirds of the residents who live in the Wootton and Cumnor parts of the Hill had signed a petition asking to be transferred to Sunningwell parish. Your council seems to operate in a strange way as I am now rather surprised to find that you are asking us to vote on a proposition which is opposite to that which was requested. So I now have to vote against what you are suggesting to get what the residents on Boars Hill actually asked for: which is for us all to be together in one Sunningwell parish.


I have been a playing member and member of the committee of Wootton and Boars Hill Cricket for nearly 30 years. As the name implies, the Village and Boars Hill have made up the cricket club since the turn of the 20th century and certainly since its reforming around 1989. Wootton Parish Council grants a significant amount of money every year to support Wootton and |Boars Hill Cricket Club. If the Parish is split we believe that it won't be able to support the cricket club to the same extent. Loss of revenue in terms of support in paying fuel bills, water rates and management of the pavilion and any increase in the rent of the pavilion would seriously impact on the cricket club's ability to function and would put its continuation in doubt. It is not only the cricket club that benefits from generous support from the Parish Council. It gives thousands of pounds to the WADS Community Centre (I am an executive member of the community centre executive committee). If the Parish is split I believe the Parish won't be able to support the Centre to the same amount. The centre provides a crucial focus for a whole range of local clubs, a centre for residents to hire for social events, a venue for celebrations (e.g. WADS STOCK and the jubilee picnic) and a meeting place for local organisations. The Boars Hill Community freely use the centre, but if they break away, they will not be contributing via their council tax whilst continuing to benefit from its use.


I am responsible as minister of St Peters for parishioners. This includes a good section of Boars Hill. The church has strong links with Boars Hill residents - a number attend, weddings and funerals are taking place at the church for BH residents. This has been true for centuries. It would be good if the council parish boundaries are in line with the ecclesiastical parish boundaries (which will not be changing).


Until the late nineteenth century the hamlets of Wootton and Old Boars Hill were outlying parts of Cumnor parish. Since then they have formed a separate parish with the same boundaries as today and over the years have developed into a single large village of some 3,000 inhabitants, centred around the Besselsleigh Rd shops, the Wootton and Dry Sandford Community Centre and the Bystander Public House. Although different parts of the village, such as Old Wootton, Boars Hill, and the B4017 corridor, have their distinctive social and architectural characters, the village is a well- integrated community as is evidenced in the replies to the questionnaire sent out in preparing our Joint Neighbourhood Plan with St Helen Without (made December 2019). There was a strong feeling of belonging to a neighbourhood and a strong satisfaction with the area as a place to live.


I am really concerned to find that the VoWH District Council appears to be trying to thwart the clearly expressed wishes of the Boars Hill community despite the legislation actually saying that "The views of local communities and inhabitants are of central importance."
The omission of the very request of the residents, to unite Boars Hill within a single parish, is what prompted this consultation in the first place and to have their request excluded, as it has been, is a complete travesty of the democratic process.

The residents of the western and northern parts of Boars Hill petitioned by a very large majority to join Sunningwell parish. You have tipped the whole thing on its head! It is of no concern to the Boars Hill residents that Wootton PC decided to build a village hall which it could not afford without taking out a big loan. Having ignored the wishes of Boars Hill for many years, Wootton PC is now trying to resist the loss of its Boars Hill “milch cow”.
When Scotland and Wales were consulted on devolution, voters elsewhere (ie in England) were not asked if they would like to overturn the decision. The Boars Hill petition for a change came from the residents of the area requesting the change and those living elsewhere should not be allowed to block it.

Wootton parish has three times the population of Sunningwell and, even after the requested changes, would still remain substantially larger.
Cumnor parish has six times the population of Sunningwell and the Boars Hill part, which has asked to join Sunningwell, amounts to only about 30 voters of which over 80% want to join Sunningwell.


Wootton Parish Council have spent a lot of time creating a wonderfully informative website about our Parish particularly around the history and walks within the Parish which includes the Boars Hill area. Reworking the website will be a considerable burden to undertake especially given how much time we we would prefer to spend making improvements to our Parish.


I strongly oppose the proposal to make no change, the BHA survey clearly identifies that the majority of residents in the affected area would like a change. As a resident of Sunningwell, my view is solely based on what the residents of Boars Hill desire.


Sunningwell Parish Council (SPC) accepted in good faith the request from the Boars Hill residents to join our parish. Sunningwell is quite a small parish and the boundary changes requested would make it more viable whilst still leaving the parishes of Wootton and Cumnor with substantially larger populations than Sunningwell. The changes would also fulfil a longstanding wish of Boars Hill residents to be within a single parish.

The Boars Hill Association petition was demonstrably a well organised operation in line with the community governance legislation. The report was well presented and clearly showed that a very large majority of the residents in the petition area were in favour of revising the parish boundaries so that the western and northern parts of Boars Hill would join the rest of Boars Hill as a part of Sunningwell parish.

The parish council discussed the latest online consultation at its monthly meeting yesterday, ie on 28th July 2022.

The Vale of White Horse District Council (the Vale) has twisted the original request of the residents so as to present a consultation which is a complete reversal of what was actually requested! This makes a mockery of the democratic process and has caused considerable dismay and indeed has prompted some of our councillors to express such disillusionment that they are considering resigning as councillors.

SPC also notes that despite having written to the Vale on several occasions attaching its formal acceptance document, nevertheless the Vale has continued to post on line an erroneous document which was neither discussed nor accepted by SPC. This original error was pointed out to Vale officers on a number of occasions with the request that it should be replaced with the correct formally debated and approved submission from SPC to the Vale. SPC considers the fact that the Vale has continued to ignore this is a serious dereliction of their duty of care and impartiality as it provides an incorrect document to consultees and thus is likely to distort the consultation results against SPC.

A copy of the Boars Hill Association report as adopted by SPC is attached and some of the key messages asking that SPC have their correct submission put forward are shown below.

From: Colin Weyer
Sent: 02 March 2022 16:09
To: Flowers, Michael
Cc: Corrigan, Steven; Democratic Services; Clerk Sunningwell PC
Subject: Community Governance Review committee meeting - URGENT

Dear Michael,

I am concerned that the submission from Sunningwell Parish Council as set out in Appendix 5 is INCORRECT.

I called yesterday and again today but, having had no reply, I am sending you this email.

The minutes of our meeting held on 25th November made no definitive decision in this matter as shown below:

156/21 Vale of White Horse parish boundary review
The council has been advised by Vale of White Horse District Council’s Democratic department that a Community Governance Review will be undertaken in 2022, with any changes implemented for the 2023 elections. Changes can alter boundaries, council names, electoral arrangements and so on.
Cllr James Greenman is keen to unite all of Boars Hill in one parish as the current arrangement has it divided between the parishes of Sunningwell and Wootton. He suggested the Boars Hill Association might like to seek parishioners’ views. Based on the outcome, the parish council could then consider putting a proposal to the Democratic department.
The Boars Hill Association took up this suggestion and set up a petition in accordance with the legislation.

As SPC was not due to meet until the end of January, on 6th January confirmation was obtained from Steven Corrigan that SPC could make its submission in early February.

A very detailed report from the Boars Hill Association was submitted to SPC at its meeting held on 27th January.
This was formally accepted and approved; as per the minute below:

14/22 Community Governance Review
There is an upcoming Community Governance Review being undertaken by the Vale of White Horse Democratic Services Department and at its last meeting Sunningwell Parish Council proposed that the Boars Hill Association might wish to ascertain the views of those parts of Boars Hill not currently a part of Sunningwell with a view to amending the boundaries so that all of Boars Hill should be in Sunningwell Parish.
The Boars Hill Association has prepared a formal report and request, following a petition delivered to each household in those parts of Boars Hill not currently in Sunningwell Parish. An Excel spreadsheet has been prepared detailing the names and addresses of all those who signed the petition which showed approximately two thirds in favour.
The report and spreadsheet were formally accepted and approved by the meeting. The clerk was asked to forward the information to the Democratic Services Department of the Vale of White Horse District Council.

The report and spreadsheet were submitted to Stephen Corrigan on 31st January (see email below) and he confirmed the same day that the report would be submitted to the meeting.
However this was NOT done and instead a fairly meaningless appendix 5 was circulated which of course was not the SPC submission.

I now request that SPC minutes with explanations (as above), the SPC submission email (as below) together with the full adopted report (as attached) be circulated by email to all members of the committee, and their substitutes, in advance of Monday's meeting to allow them adequate time to read the report. If you wish to protect the identity of those who signed, the spreadsheet itself may be omitted.

In view of the confusion please note that I will attend and wish to speak at your meeting on Monday evening at 7pm.

Since the submission some more residents have taken the trouble to sign and deliver their petition forms requesting the boundary change and we now know the exact number of voters in the Cumnor area.
The final summary is:
Combined Results Wootton Cumnor Combined

Total dwellings 184 13 197
Voters per electoral roll 343 32 375
Total signatures 209 26 235
Percentage in favour 60.93% 81.25% 62.67%
Majority 38 10 48

Total Yes % of registered voters - excluding those households who did not answer when called on.
66.35% 81.25% 67.72%

+ Non-voting signatures 21

As you will see this is a very substantial vote in favour of the new boundaries.

Please let me have a copy of your email to the members of the committee.
Many thanks
Best regards
Colin Weyer
Sunningwell Parish Council

From: "Clerk Sunningwell PC"
To: "Steven Corrigan"

Sent: Monday, 31 January, 2022 10:45:19
Subject: Sunningwell Parish boundary review

Good morning Steven,

This is with reference to our earlier emails on the upcoming Community Governance Review and Sunningwell Parish Council's proposal that the boundaries be amended so that all of Boars Hill can be in Sunningwell Parish please.

I have attached the formal report and request, prepared by the Boars Hill Association together with the Excel spreadsheet detailing names and addresses of all those who signed the petition.

These were formally accepted, approved and minuted at the Sunningwell Parish Council meeting held last Thursday on 27 January 2022.

The Excel file includes the live formulas used to calculate the results and this will enable Vale's Democratic Services Department to satisfy themselves as to their reliability.
The B0ars Hill Association has provided the original petition sheets which can be delivered to the Vale offices in Milton Park if required.

Thank you for your help and for extending the deadline.

With kind regards

Brian Rixon
Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
On behalf of Sunningwell Parish Council
Telephone <redacted>

Email <redacted>


Re: URGENT - Re: April 2022 District Councillors' Report to Parishes 1 April, 2022 19:24
From: "colin weyer"
To: "emily smith"
Cc: "debby hallett" "Clerk Sunningwell PC"

Thank you Emily,
I attended that meeting and pointed out that this was incorrect and that the only decision made by SPC was on 27th January as shown below:

The relevant minutes are:

Council meeting on 25th November 2021.

Vale of White Horse parish boundary review
The council has been advised by Vale of White Horse District Council’s Democratic department that a Community Governance Review will be undertaken in 2022, with any changes implemented for the 2023 elections. Changes can alter boundaries, council names, electoral arrangements and so on.

Cllr James Greenman is keen to unite all of Boars Hill in one parish as the current arrangement has it divided between the parishes of Sunningwell and Wootton. He suggested the Boars Hill Association might like to seek parishioners’ views. Based on the outcome, the parish council could then consider putting a proposal to the Democratic department.

And the operative minute from the meeting held on 27th January at which a formal request was made:

Community Governance Review
There is an upcoming Community Governance Review being undertaken by the Vale of White Horse Democratic Services Department and at its last meeting Sunningwell Parish Council proposed that the Boars Hill Association might wish to ascertain the views of those parts of Boars Hill not currently a part of Sunningwell with a view to amending the boundaries so that all of Boars Hill should be in Sunningwell Parish.

The Boars Hill Association has prepared a formal report and request, following a petition delivered to each household in those parts of Boars Hill not currently in Sunningwell Parish. An Excel spreadsheet has been prepared detailing the names and addresses of all those who signed the petition which showed approximately two thirds in favour.

The report and spreadsheet were formally accepted and approved by the meeting. The clerk was asked to forward the information to the Democratic Services Department of the Vale of White Horse District Council.

This minute was sent to Democratic Services and, after my pointing out the error, the relevant officers should have corrected their records.
We need the documents to be corrected asap.
Many thanks
Best wishes
Colin Weyer

From: "emily smith"

To: "colin weyer", "debby hallett"
Cc: "Clerk Sunningwell PC"

Sent: Friday, 1 April, 2022 19:03:22
Subject: Re: URGENT - Re: April 2022 District Councillors' Report to Parishes

Hi Colin

I got the information about Sunningwell's suggestion that Long Furlong may be moved into Wootton from the reports pack that the committee for community governance and electoral issues considered on 7th March. Appendix 5 on page 17 is the email request from Sunningwell Parish Council following your meeting on 25th November.
(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Community Governance and Electoral Issues Committee, 07/03/2022 19:00 (

The link to this report is part of the information we are inviting public responses about. Are you saying the email request from the Parish Council is not accurately represented in Appendix 5?


Cllr Emily Smith
Liberal Democrat Member for Botley and Sunningwell Ward
Direct Line: <redacted>
Executive Support Officer: <redacted>

Advance notice of leave: 16th - 25th April, 27th May - 6th June

Our privacy policies are available by clicking

From: Colin Weyer
Sent: 01 April 2022 17:32
To: Hallett, Debby
Cc: Smith, Emily; Clerk Sunningwell PC 
Subject: Re: URGENT - Re: April 2022 District Councillors' Report to Parishes

Many thanks Debby - C

From: "debby hallett"

To: "colin weyer"
Cc: "emily smith", "Clerk Sunningwell PC"
Sent: Friday, 1 April, 2022 17:14:19
Subject: Re: URGENT - Re: April 2022 District Councillors' Report to Parishes

Hi Colin.

I will seek clarification for you the minute office doors open on Monday.


Debby Hallett
Councillor for Botley & Sunningwell

Advance notice of leave:
12-23 May, 8-16 Sep 2022

From: Colin Weyer
Sent: Friday, April 1, 2022 4:42:29 PM
To: Hallett, Debby
Cc: Smith, Emily; Clerk Sunningwell PC

Subject: URGENT - Re: April 2022 District Councillors' Report to Parishes

Dear Debby,
Thank you for your interesting report.
You must forgive me for thinking that this is indeed a prank given that I am rather confused by two aspects of the boundary review relating to Sunningwell parish as set out in your report and the Vale website consultation page.

Firstly, in your report you state:

"Sunningwell (Wootton, Cumnor) – amend the parish boundary to include more of Boars Hill and some homes in Cumnor parish, and also to remove Long Furlong Road and the surrounding section of Sunningwell Road and place them into Wootton Parish"

I must advise you that Sunningwell parish has passed no resolution requesting to the removal of the Long Furlong Road community from our parish - in fact the council has not even discussed it.

Then on the VoWH consultation page, to which you link in your report, it says:

"Sunningwell (Wootton and Cumnor) – amending the parish boundary to include the area of Boars Hill currently in Wootton and Cumnor parishes and amending the parish name to reflect the change"

In this case there is (correctly) no reference to Long Furlong!

I must advise you that Sunningwell parish has passed no resolution relating to amending the name and, again, the matter has not even been discussed.

I am very concerned to see these two inconsistent and confusing matters included given that our parish council has neither requested nor discussed either of them.

Please can you take urgent steps to have these corrected in all necessary documents - not least those in the public domain!

If the Vale has powers to suggest or make its own changes in regard to these matters, then I have to say I would be greatly disturbed that no one at the Vale has had the courtesy to discuss them with us first.

Please advise when all the necessary corrections have been made.
Many thanks.

Best regards
Colin Weyer
Chairman, SPC

From: "debby hallett"

To: "emily smith"
Sent: Friday, 1 April, 2022 12:11:39
Subject: April 2022 District Councillors' Report to Parishes

Hi everybody - this email is going out to all councillors and clerks. (I don't much like pranking, so everything here is legitimate.)

Our April 2022 report is on Dropbox here:

And all the historical reports are here:

I hope you're all well and happy, and that your life is full of meaning.


Cllr Debby Hallett
Liberal Democrat member for Botley & Sunningwell ward


Dividing the parish would detriment the residents of Wootton village


If their is a change to boundaries then their would also be an implication regarding who can have a tenancy agreement at Wootton Allotments possibly.


Email response received below.

Your two choices regarding parish boundary changes make no sense.

One is to combine Wootton with Boars Hill which is a terrible idea a. because half of Boars Hill is already in Sunningwell (I am) and b. because the two areas are not remotely alike, the one being purely residential while the other is much more agricultural/residential

Two was to do nothing - odd as two thirds of Boars Hill residents have voted to join up with Sunningwell - something you have apparently ignored.

If these really are the only options I would do nothing but it is not very democratic


Response below received via email.

Wootton Parish Council wishes to express its support in retaining the existing Parish Boundary and to rename Wootton Parish to Wootton and Boars Hill.

Despite the Vale of White Horse DC’s link to the online survey being published after the publication of the Community Magazine the Parish Council has obtained 234 signatures on a petition to demonstrate the desire of residents to maintain the existing boundary.

The Parish centers around the Wootton and Dry Sandford Community Centre and Pre-School, the Boars Hill and Wootton Cricket Club, the Community Park, all of which receive significant financial support from Wootton Parish Council in addition to the Bystander Public House and the Besselsleigh
Road shops, which are at the heart of the Community and are all resources extensively used by residents of the area which has been identified for review. Currently the Boars Hill Association delivers their publication to Wootton Village as this shares the same “Boars Hill” postal address were
some areas of Boars Hill to be separated from the existing Parish, this would cause ill-feeling among those residents.

Additionally, the area under review represents a significant portion of the Parish’s income from Precept and given that the loan on the Community Centre was taken with a term of 50 years, the result would be a significant increase of precept on the remaining population.

Although different parts of the village, such as Old Wootton, Boars Hill, and the B4017 corridor, have their distinctive social and architectural characters, the village is a well-integrated community as is evidenced in the replies to the questionnaire sent out in preparing our Joint Neighbourhood Plan with St Helen Without (made December 2019). There was a strong feeling of belonging to a neighbourhood and a strong satisfaction with the area as a place to live. This sense of community has been enhanced by the lack of significant housing development in the parish since 1970, apart from the relatively small Deerhurst Park. While there will be some development over the next ten years - notably a new housing estate on the old industrial park - there will not be a substantial increase in population and little change to the village’s existing character.

Wootton is a medium-sized rural parish with a diverse social, economic and, to a growing degree, ethnic profile, and the Wootton PC see no reason why its boundaries should be altered under the Community Governance Review. It also feels that the views of this diverse community are well represented on the current Parish Council which has a positive gender, age and work experience balance and has ambitions to enhance further the parish’s pleasant and welcoming environment in the coming years.







7. If you have any alternative suggestions to make that fall within the criteria set out above, please provide them below:

Answer Choices

Response Percent

Response Total


Open-Ended Question




I suggest that in future, councils proposing change to boundaries must consult directly with everyone directly impacted by the proposed change.


The Boars Hill part of the parish should have a guaranteed seat on the parish council, elected by Boars Hill residents.

This would ensure that their interests will always have a voting voice on the parish council.


If the proposal went ahead then there must be a payment made on an annual basis from the new parish to Wootton for the upkeep of the services that Wootton parish provides or the residents of the new parish need to be excluded from using them.


Leave the damned boundaries alone. Changing boundaries and parish names just creates costs for no benefit


In future can parish councils write in Plain English (avoid use of passive tense, etc)? And explain proposals with both parties’ viewpoints, with bulleted lists of pros and cons and examples of where the relevant parishes have locked horns in the past, to uncover the real issues for separating/taking action? I don’t want to read lengthy essays - just a brief, comprehensive report.




I support the proposed NEW boundary


Boars Hill should be linked with Sunningwell.


Whole of Boars Hill to be own parish, along with Sunningwell.




Those set out in the original petition.


Combine the whole of Boars Hill into one parish, specifically as part of Sunningwell parish


Merge Boars Hill and Sunningwell Parishes




As stated above, I strongly oppose the proposals; Boars Hill should be combined with Sunningwell.


We have already voted as residents of boars hill.


Allow boars hill to become part of sunningwell parish as voted.


Boars Hill should be linked to the Parish of Sunningwell in its entirety


Yes : alter boundaries by taking that part of Boars Hill currently within Wootton and transferring to Sunningwell.


The Vale of White Horse DC should become part of a unitary authority within a new Oxfordshire Council.


Make entire Boars Hill part of the Sunningwell Parish Council.


The Sunningwell Parish Council are the best representative for this area. They are the council I would like to represent us. I do NOT want to be part of Wooton Boars Hill


Boars Hill should be in the parish of Sunningwell, not Wootto, as requested by the majority of Boars Hill Residents.


To unite Boars Hill under the parish of Sunningwell which shares the identity, of a mixed residential and rural area with the whole of Boars Hill.

This single move will ensure a far greater more effective and convenient representation of the residents of Boars Hill and the current arbitary split of our community between the parishes of Wootton and of Sunningwell.


I strongly support no change in the Parish Council boundaries at this stage.

However, I do believe that within the next 4 years Boars Hill (but not the wider Boars Hill post code area) should have its own Parish Council.

What those of us who are residents of what is regarded as Boars Hill are so aware of, and treasure about the area, is that it is a close-knit and very caring community with strong connections to Oxford University and historically home to many nationally know artists, sculptors and poets.


Please see above - I would support the previously documented (and majority supported) petition to combine Boars Hill into a single parish with SUNNINGWELL, NOT WOOTTON


Please see above - neither of the suggestions given in the consultation reflect the previously expressed desire of Boars Hill residents to be united in a single parish with Sunningwell.

Renaming the parish 'Boars Hill and Wootton' or similar is nonsensical since much of Boars Hill is already in Sunningwell.


Leave things as they are. There is no problem for anyone unless the ‘real’ reason for a new boundary divide is the one I have indicated above.


Boars Hill extends throughout of Wootton Parish and recognition needs to be made that a much larger amount of properties have Boars Hill in the address not just those 'on the top'.


I propose that boars hill should form part of Sunningwell parish NOT Wootton

Sunningwell is mostly agricultural as well as residential and fit in more with Boars Hill.


I believe the whole of Boars Hill should be in Sunningwell parish which would make us a more cohesive community and we can all be treated the same. We can all attend the various events that may be open to Sunningwell parish.


Make Boars Hill part of a Sunningwell parish.


They have already been proposed and apparently ignored


Boars hill could merge with Sunningwell… but this is not proposed..


I would incorporate all of Boars Hill into Sunningwell parish


Integrate Boars Hill to Sunningwell as above rather than the inappropriate proposals above


Change border to incorporate all of Boars hill into sunningwell and boars hill parish.


Boars Hill should be completely incorporated within Sunningwell Parish.


Why do you deliberately try to mess up the original consultation.
The original consultation results were quite clear: the residents of Boars hill that were in Wootton Parish wanted to be moved into Sunningwell.

It really is not difficult to do


I support the alternative proposal to include Boars Hill with Sunningwell in a PC with more coherence of interest of residents.


Boars Hill and Sunningwell in their r entirety should be joined together and become Sunningwell and Boars Hill.


Creating a separate Boars Hill parish would seem to be a more interesting proposition, worth consideration.


I believe the changes to the boundary should be made as proposed.


Make Boars Hill part of Sunningwell parish.


Allow Boars Hill to be part of Sunningwell parish and respect the wishes of the residents to do so.




Half of Boars Hill is already within Sunningwell parish and it makes perfect sense to also incorporate the small area currently under discussion into Sunningwell.


Make it clear Boars Hill inclusion through a name change from Wootton Parish Council to Wootton and Boars Hill Parish Council just as we do in Wootton and Boars Hill Cricket Club and have done for many years.


It could be possible for Wootton parish council to adopt all of Boars hill.


The revised boundaries as originally requested overwhelmingly by Boars Hill residents should be implemented.


Sunningwell Parish Council asks that the Vale implement the very clear and overwhelming request of the Boars Hill residents as adopted by SPC.






8. You can upload any supporting documents using the button below.

File Type

Average Size

Files Uploaded




To view the files uploaded, go into the individual results.






Submission from Boars Hill Association as attached.


Petition submitted by Wootton Parish Council with 234 signatures opposing any change to the boundary between Sunningwell and Wootton parishes. The wording of the petition is set out below:


Save our parish


There has been a proposal made to the District Council that Wootton Parish Council should be split up and Boars Hill be moved into Sunningwell Parish.


We believe that the parish should be kept intact for many historical, administrative and financial reasons and that by splitting up the parish it will negatively impact the remaining residents of the parish. You can read the full article on the reasons we believe we're better keeping the boundary as is at the following link:


We, the undersigned, “strongly support” the district council's recommendation NOT to make any change to the boundary and split the parish of Wootton.




11. Do you have any other comments that you would like to make on the Sunningwell, Wootton and Cumnor Community Governance Review 2022?

Answer Choices

Response Percent

Response Total


Open-Ended Question




Whenever boundaries are reviewed there is always in my mind a suspicion of gerrymandering. This suspicion would be allayed by more open consultation before the publication of the final documents.


The strength of feeling in the Community is very clear and should be taken into consideration. The majority of the parish does not wish to be divided.


As I live within Wootton village it does not seem to me theres any practical sense for BoarsHill residence requesting to leave Wootton parish as Sunningwell Village have very little to offer, if this did come about with the residents of Boars Hill Reticence still expect to use all the amenities which they are no doubt enjoying at this moment of Wootton Parish
There is also the point to make hear of the financing this move of those without any contribution to the parishes.


None, totally agree to keep the make up of the community as it currently is


Don’t make any changes. Those in Wootton recognise ourselves as being part of the wider area


Sunningwell should be included in the name.


I really appreciate you sharing this info and asking for feedback


Not at this time unfortunately as I have only just moved to wootton village and it would be a shame if they include boars hill in the boundary so I oppose it.




I am disappointed that after significant Boars Hill community commentary that these are the two poorly considered and designed points for consultation. It reinforces the idea that current governance processes are not working effectively.


Listen to the Boars Hill Association who are more closely involved in the community here and able to speak for us with authority. They know the feelings of the community.




It make sense to join Sunningwell parish as all residents of Boars Hill would be united, under one governance structure, which must be better for local democracy.


I am shocked to find that the proposal made by the majority of Boars Hill residents has been totally ignored. Why doesn't Wootton parish listen, even to its own Boars Hill residents?


See my comments to previous question which I repeat here. I wish Boars Hill to be joined as a parish with Sunningwell.


A massive planning application by Peking University Business School is pending, but it lies on the boundary of Wootton parish. while much of the site is in Sunningwell. Division of interest between the two parishes is highly undesirable, especially as it separated from a nature conservation area in Sunningwell, by a two strand barbed wire fence, and the whole area is in the Green Belt.


No. I expect you will do what you want despite the clearly expressed view of boars hill residents to change the boundaries so that all of boars hill is within Sunningwell parish.


No further comment.


Residents of boars hill have voted to join sunningwell parish council.


As before we have already voted to join sunningwell parish and strongly oppose your options.


In a recent poll two thirds of Boars Hill residents who voted wished the boundaries to be changed so that Boars Hill fell wholly within Sunningwell Parish. Why isn't this option made available to vote upon?


Please refer to the petition already given to you.


It is very odd that the question says “no change” when that is not what the Boar’s Hill residents wished.


why is the district counsel interfering in parish business and trying to overturn parish council decisions?


Yes. Speak to the Boars Association Chairman and members. I accept and support their views.


Listen to the residents of Boars Hill




Unite Boars Hill in Sunningwell Parish


I thought we had already voted to change the boundaries to join Sunningwell. Why has this been raised again? It doesn’t feel very democratic.


Very poor questions to vote on. Most un democratic




To allow the part of Boars Hill that at present is within the Wootton parish to be taken into the Sunningwell parish is the only sensible move that will reinforce community representation and action.


I think I have already made all the comments that it is necessary/relevant to make, BUT:

Boars Hill is a very close-knit community. The Boars Hill Association, started by Maud and Abi Rosenthal about 50 years go, have a programme of talks and social events which local residents take part in. Historically, Boars Hill is know nationally and internationally because of its connections academically with the University but also because of the artist, sculptors (such as Oscar Nemon) and poets - too many to mention (although get a copy of "Oxford's Parnassus" by Philip Stewart if you want to know about our poets) - who have made Boars Hill their home. It has connections with Laurence of Arabia and has been referred to in such novels at "Brideshead Revisited".

Essentially, I get back to the fact that Boars Hill is unique locally and deserves its own Parish Council in early (2 years) course.


It would have been helpful if this review had taken into account the petition which was already run concerning this issue, and which demonstrated a clear desire on the part of the majority (2/3) of Boars Hill residents to be part of Sunningwell parish. Setting up a review in way that has been performed here presupposes a specific outcome, and it is clear from the previous petition that that outcome is not the one favoured by a majority of residents.
I do not understand how the opinion of Wootton residents (who outnumber Boars Hill residents) should not be allowed to influence any suggested move for Boars Hill residents out of their current Sunningwell parish. This is surely a matter for Boars Hill and Sunningwell.


Please note the previous petition stating that the majority of Boars Hill residents would like to be united in a single parish with Sunningwell - NOT with Wootton or Cumnor.


I am saddened that the proposal to move the boundary appears to have been driven by the 'Boars Hill Residents Association' whose members dominate Sunningwell Parish Council. These two organisations have in effect self proclaimed themselves as the only residents of Boars Hill. As stated previously they are incorrect. Boars Hill extends far beyond the proposed boundary change. I am upset that Sunningwell Parish Council has taken the consultation of the Boars Hill Residents Association as being the wishes of all of Boars Hill. If the proposal is supported to change the boundary I fear it will have been driven by affluence and a desire for segregation from others less well-off and I want no part of it. If the boundary change goes ahead then it would over-dominate the less well off Residents in Sunningwell Parish. The Wootton & Boars Hill Parish name change is a good idea. As stated previously Wootton Parish is predominately on Boars Hill and is reflected in houses addresses already.




We are shocked and greatly disturbed that the petition by the two-thirds majority of residents of Boars Hill included at present in Wootton and Cumnor Parishes to join Sunningwell Parish has been completely ignored,


I responded earlier -- two responses, one to each question (it seems one combined response was not allowed).
In my response to the name change proposal I might have ticked 'strongly support' when I meant to check 'strongly oppose'.
I am submitting this response now in order to change my earlier response to what I really meant: strongly oppose.


Please seriously consider other proposals as the ones that have been suggested are unsatisfactory.


It is very clear that the vast majority of Boars Hill residents wish to be part of Sunningwell parish. The local councils should agree to the wishes of Boars Hill residents and not play games with motions tabled like these 2!


The substantial majority of those residents of Boars Hill who at the moment fall within Wootton have clearly supported the amalgamation of the Whole of Boars Hill within Sunningwell.


You appear to have ignored the petition change of boundary issued some months ago... Why?




There is no reason to change traditional parish boundaries as far as I can see apart from perhaps vanity which should not be encouraged or supported in these matters.


The proposals seem perverse, and fly in the face of reason and the opinions of those most directly affected by the proposals.Please reconsider, and consider the third proposal -- to make all of Boars Hill part of Sunningwell Parish. Thank you


The review should reflect the democratically expressed wishes of the residents of the Wootton and Cumnor parts of Boars Hill to be part of Sunningwell parish.


The Governance Review has come up with two proposals which do not reflect the wishes of the residents of Boars Hill at all. The vast majority of Boars Hill residents want to belong to a single parish and for that parish to be Sunningwell. Neither wish is reflected in the two proposals, which seems perplexing and undemocratic.


A short time ago I did complete this survey but think that I failed to submit it, therefore I am completing again for submission.


It's not clear where the proposal for change came from, or that it delivers any benefit to the residents of Boars Hill. Is this a squabble between the existing parish councils over money?
Uniting Boars Hill into a separate parish would seem to provide a single area with common interests across it. I have no idea whether this would work in terms of process or finances.


Proper consideration should be given to the recent boundary change request on behalf of the Boars Hill community. The relevant councils should proactively engage with local residents expressing reasonable comments and wishes. During this recent process that engagement has not always been evident. Interested parties have been excluded from relevant communications from the authorities. Some political maneuvering at the highest level has been apparently evidenced.


I would expect to hear in advance about these proposals. Democracy depends on voters being able to consider proposals with more involvemnet of the Council officers.


Respect the outcome of the Boars Hill residents vote to be part of Sunningwell parish.


In Summary I strongly support the proposal NOT to make a boundary change and to rename the Parish for the following reasons:

1. History

The civil parish of Wootton has existed for more than a century and today is an evolving, dynamic community with a genuine identity.

Until the late nineteenth century, the hamlets of Wootton and Old Boars Hill were outlying parts of Cumnor parish. Since then they have formed a separate parish with the same boundaries as today and over the years have developed into a single large village of some 3,000 inhabitants, centred around the Besselsleigh Rd shops, the Wootton and Dry Sandford Community Centre and the Bystander Public House. Although different parts of the village, such as Old Wootton, Boars Hill, and the B4017 corridor, have their distinctive social and architectural characters, the village is a well-integrated community, as is evidenced in the replies to the questionnaire sent out in preparing our Joint Neighbourhood Plan with St Helen Without (made December 2019). This showed a strong feeling of belonging to a neighbourhood and strong satisfaction with the area as a place to live. Wootton is an economically and socially diverse community with an evolving ethnic mix which reflects the present character of Britain in the twenty-first century.

2. Administration

Wootton Parish Council is in the fortunate position of having made a Neighbourhood Plan that gives the Council and its constituents a legally binding say in the future development of the existing parish.

Wootton Parish Council (and St Helen Without Parish Council, as it was a joint plan) have had a fully made Neighbourhood Plan in place since 2019. Neighbourhood Plans that have already been finalised and adopted cannot be revoked even if parish boundaries are changed. Thus, our Plans’ policies will remain in place and be enforced for the area of land that they cover, even if that land becomes part of a different parish. Moreover, any amendments made to our Neighbourhood Plan in the future would still apply to Boars Hill, and Sunningwell Parish Council would have to apply those new Neighbourhood Plan policies. In addition, as Neighbourhood Plans’ areas cannot overlap, Sunningwell Parish Council cannot create a Neighbourhood Plan that includes the area of ours. Moving Boars Hill into Sunningwell Parish, therefore, opens up a can of worms.

3. Finances

The boundary change would have a detrimental effect on the finances of Wootton Parish Council and its ability to meet its current obligations and aims.

In 2010, Wootton Parish Council took out a government loan of £60,000 to support the redevelopment of the Wootton and Dry Sandford Community Centre, a vital parish amenity. The loan was for fifty years at a fixed interest rate of 4.6 per cent. Each year the Council makes repayments of £3,076.60, and the current outstanding loan in £55,003.91. The total cost of repayment over 50 years is £153, 830. In consequence, Wootton Parish Council is committed to putting aside £3,000 p.a. to pay off the loan until 2060. At present, Wootton Parish Council receives a precept of c. £60,000. This is a large enough sum to allow the Council to put aside £3,000 per annum to pay off the loan without undue difficulty. Were Boars Hill to be detached from Wootton, the precept would be considerably reduced, as the precept is determined by the size of the population, and the percentage of the budget dedicated each year to paying off the loan increased. This would mean that the Council would no longer have the same amount of money each year to enhance traffic-controlling measures, which is a present priority, and the broader quality of life in the parish to which it is committed in accordance with its made Neighbourhood Plan. With a lower precept, for instance, it would not have been possible to create the recently established Children’s Community Park opposite the church, which each year is being improved.

4. Fairness

The residents of Boars Hill have always made full use of the Wootton and Dry Sandford Community Centre and belong to many of the societies that enjoy its facilities.

As Sunningwell Parish has no equivalent Community Centre, the Boars Hill residents will continue to do use WADSCC, just as they will continue to use the other amenities in the village, such as the cricket club and field (already called The Wootton and Boars Hill Cricket Club), primary school, St Peter’s church and the community park. All these community facilities are supported financially by Wootton Parish Council either directly or indirectly (through a grant to the Wootton Primary School PTA to provide laptops for home learning during lockdown, for instance). It seems very unjust that the residents of a new, smaller Wootton Parish should pay a higher proportion per head towards repaying the Community Centre loan and maintaining other existing amenities in the village, while residents of Boars Hill, who use these facilities, contribute nothing at all. It is all the more unfair that as the overall precept will be smaller, the amount available to spend on these local amenities will be reduced.


It is quite surprising and extremely disappointing to find that the VoWH District Council seems to have gone out of its way to circumvent the clearly expressed wishes of our Boars Hill community.


The process has been really confusing and I didn’t realise we needed to complete a second survey having already done one


No other comments apart from it would be a shame. Wootton has a lot of facilities and hardworking members of our Parish try their best for our community with little funding as it is.


